Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thurs., Dec. 12, 2013

Objectives: Explain how transverse 
waves and longitudinal waves are created
and give 2 examples of each type 
Opener: Xmas Wordies
Announcements: Invent a musical
instrument that can make at least 8 different
and distict tones (repeatably)
Mon., Tues., & Wed. to finish & tune
Transverse vs. Longitudinal Waves link
How do particles of the medium move 
compared to the direction of travel ("propagation")
Sound waves
Homework: Gather materials and bring to
school for your instrument

Wed., Dec. 11, 2013

Objectives: Explain how transverse 
waves and longitudinal waves are created
and give 2 examples of each type 
Opener: How observant are you
Announcements: Invent a musical
instrument that can make at least 8 different
and distict tones (repeatably)
Some ideas... 
Straw "buzzers"
Transverse vs. Longitudinal Waves link
How do particles of the medium move 
compared to the direction of travel ("propagation")
Homework: Gather materials and bring to
school for your instrument

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fri., Dec.6, 2013

Objectives: Describe your mousetrap
powered car experience
Announcements:  Journals at EOP
Opener:  Waves are a disturbance in a
Waves transport energy not
Draw a sketch of your car (or a few
sketches if needed).  Next write a 
couple of paragraphs that respond to 
the following...

  • describe how your car transmits the elastic force in the spring to forward motion.  
  • What struggles did you face?
  • What solutions did you come up
  • How you would improve your
    vehicle based 
    on your experience
    and seeing what 
    other participants did?
Homework: None

Thurs., Dec. 5, 2013

Objectives: Identify crests, troughs,
wavelength and Amplitude of waves
Announcements:  Journals tomorrow
Opener:  TOC
Factors affecting wave characteristics link

Draw a sketch of your car (or a few
sketches if needed).  Next write a 
couple of paragraphs that respond to 
the following...
  • describe how your car transmits the elastic force in the spring to forward motion.  
  • What struggles did you face?
  • What solutions did you come up
  • How you would improve your
    vehicle based 
    on your experience
    and seeing what 
    other participants did?
Homework: None

Friday, November 22, 2013

Wed., Dec. 4, 2013

Objectives: Identify crests, troughs,
wavelength and Amplitude of waves
Announcements:  Journals will be 
collected on Friday.  TOC tomorrow

Draw a sketch of your car (or a few
sketches if needed).  Next write a 
couple of paragraphs that respond to 
the following...

  • describe how your car transmits the elastic force in the spring to forward motion.  
  • What struggles did you face?
  • What solutions did you come up
  • How you would improve your
    vehicle based 
    on your experience
    and seeing what 
    other participants did?
Homework: None

Tues., Dec. 3, 2013

Objectives: Race Day!
Announcements:  Measure from Main-
spring to mainspring (centimeters)
Opener: Record how far your car travelled
Get a grade for construction & designHomework: None

Mon., Dec. 2, 2013

Objectives: Finalize work on cars
Announcements:  "Races" tomorrow
Opener: Do you need to work on
mousetrap-powered car?

Finish questions on Work, machines 
& Efficiency
Homework: Finish your vehicle &
pizzazz it up.  Bring it tomorrow