Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mon., Sept. 30, 2013

Objectives: How does velocity relate
to acceleration?
Announcements: Journals/Grades
Opener: None
Velocity vs. Acceleration
Ball drop with Vernier probes
Accelerating yourself (lab prep)
Homework: None

Fri., Sept. 27, 2013

Objectives: Predict graphs of motion &
Deduce motion from a graph
Announcements: Journals will be handed 
in again on Tuesday
Opener: None
How did you do with the homework?
More complex motions & accelerations

Homework: For each graph, find an 
example in the real world where the 
motion could be described by the graph.  
Explain how you know. link

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thurs., Sept. 26, 2013

Objectives: Predict graphs of motion &
Deduce motion from a graph
Announcements: Journals will be handed 
in again on Tuesday
Opener: None
Walking a graph

Homework: For each graph, find an example in the real world where the motion could be described by the graph.  Explain how you know. link

Wed., Sept. 25, 2013

Objectives: Predict graphs of motion 
Deduce motion from a graph
Announcements: Journals will 
be handed in again on Tuesday
Opener:  Nonogram 1
Walking a graph
Homework: None

Monday, September 23, 2013

Tues., Sept. 24, 2013

Objectives: Distinguish between constant
velocity & constant acceleration
Announcements: Table of Contents
Opener:  How well can you follow directions?
Lateral Thinking
Grade Accuracy/Precision assignment 
Walking a graph
Homework: None

Mon., Sept. 23, 2013

Objectives: Identify Bias
Opener:  Lateral Thinking
Observation, Inference & Bias
A Play in one act (The Garage)
Cultural Bias (Lunch)
Homework: Assignment (in your journals)
Full sentence answers link

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fri., Sept. 20, 2013

Objectives: Evaluate experimental data
Announcements: None
Opener:  Far Side

Assignment (in your journals)
Full sentence answers link

Thurs., Sept. 19, 2013

Objectives: Evaluate experimental data
Announcements: None
Opener:  Bioglyphs
Assignment (in your journals)
Full sentence answers link

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wed., Sept. 18, 2013

Objectives: Evaluate experimental data
Announcements: None
Opener:  Accuracy vs. Precision

When there is a right answer & when there ain't
Assignment (in your journals)
Full sentence answers link

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tues., Sept. 17, 2013

Objectives: Analyze experimental data
Announcements: None
Opener:  None
Lab Question: How does height of release
affect speed at the bottom?
Construct a Graph
Analyze with Graphical Analysis

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mon., Sept. 16, 2013

Objectives: Analyze experimental data
Announcements: None
Opener:  What's in a number?
Lab Question: How does height of release
affect speed at the bottom?
Construct a Graph
Analyze with Graphical Analysis

Fri., Sept. 13, 2013

Objectives: Analyze experimental data
Announcements: None
Opener:  What's in a number?
Lab Question: How does height of release
affect speed at the bottom?
Construct a Graph
Analyze with Graphical Analysis

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thurs., Sept. 12, 2013

Objectives: Gather data & analyze
Announcements: None
Opener:  Let me see your procedures
Lab Question: How does height of release
affect speed at the bottom?
What units will you be measuring in?
Calculate appropriate averages
Graph using Graphical Analysis

Wed., Sept 11, 2013

Objectives: Write a completed procedure
Announcements: Journals returned
Opener:  What's the largest number you can write with just 3 digits - no symbols allowed?
Lab Question: How does height of release
affect speed at the bottom?
Finish your procedure
Samples from class to analyze
Data & Recording
How will you have to average your data
What will you graph?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Tues., Sept. 10, 2013

Objectives: Write a procedure
Announcements: Journals
Opener:  A Ball accelerates down a ramp but has constant velocity for it's continuing path along a flat surface.  What force accelerates the ball? What force causes the ball to maintain its speed? E link
Lab Demonstration - How does height of release
affect speed at the bottom?
Let's write a procedure
Leave your notebook at end of class (NAME!!)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mon., Sept. 9, 2013

Objectives: Nature of Science
Announcements: Journals - First look tomorrow
Opener:  Experimental Procedures?!?!?link
Get your name on your notebook
Organize Notebook
Mystery Tube: Complete into notebooks
Done? - Scavenger Hunt

Friday, September 6, 2013

Fri., Sept. 6, 2013

Objectives: Nature of Science
Announcements: Journals - First look Tues.
Opener:  Wacky Wordies
Syllabus (a prescriptive look)
Mystery Tube: Complete/Grading
Scavenger Hunt

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thurs., Sept. 5, 2013

Objectives: Discover the nature of science
Announcements: Journals - First look Tues.
Opener:  What is science (in your journal)
Notebook Organization/Table o' Contents
Mystery Tube: Complete/Grading
Scavenger Hunt

Wed., Sept. 4, 2013

Objectives: Discover the nature of science
Announcements:  Got a spiral yet?
Opener:  What could this be?
Mystery Tube:Analysis